In walk these two clowns ….

In walk these two clowns ….

Literally, in walk two clowns; Dusty and Hoppy. They are are very special people. They have worked tirelessly helping us, both as clowns, at our events and as hard-working volunteers. As volunteers they have invested hundreds of hours helping us build infrastructure...

Stronger Together

Stronger Together

        Last night, after work, twenty-five Partner's Insurance Group Associates descended on us. They are on a mission to continue their commitment to help us build a more caring community. At the beginning of winter, they raised over $22,000 to...

Senior Uber Volunteers Honored!

Senior Uber Volunteers Honored!

On Saturday night we hosted a dinner dance for 200 public school teachers to acknowledge and celebrate their work and importance to our community. That story is here. Our CEO, Jim Stevens, before addressing our guests, asked the Senior Uber Volunteers in attendance,...

Letter From The Birmingham Jail

Letter From The Birmingham Jail

Monday, January 18, 2016  Acushnet, Massachusetts. On this special day, our national holiday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we're reminded of how far we've come and how much father we must go! Dr. King's letter from the Birmingham jail, 4/16/63  
