Lions Clubs of District 33S Make Donations of School Supplies and Cash!

News from GiftsToGive

Bev and Sharon present a check to Jim

Bev and Sharon present a check to Jim

As part of our initiative to collect school supplies for needy children, twenty local lions clubs participated, collecting items including; 113 one subject notebooks, 64 boxes of pencils, 37 packages of markers, 177 rulers and 44 boxes of crayons, among many other school items.

Also, a check in the amount of $425 was donated to help defray the cost of other items. All this “Back To School Treasure” was delivered to us by Lions 1st Vice District Governor Sharon Audette and Immediate Past District Governor Bev Dillon.

GiftsToGive_September1-2015_ 007First Vice District Governor Sharon Audette told us – “My feeling about this is that children in-need are children in-need no matter where they live.”

Our CEO and Founder, Jim Stevens said – With over 35,000 local children living in poverty the need is overwhelming. For the Lions to adopt us as they have, means the world to us. Everyone knows the Lions for their commitment to Service, we also know them as bright and shining lights and a most perfect example of what it takes to belong to a caring community. We are so very grateful for their investment with us.”

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