Ocean Spray Helps Define Corporate Giving

CEO Blog, Community

Winston Churchill said that we make a living by what we get , but we make a life by what we give. We think Sir Winston knew what he was talking about.

Today we hosted 25 terrific volunteers from Ocean Spray. All came on time, all prepared to work for a five-hour “shift” and they helped us process a ton of clothes, books and puzzles and games.

We do not see many local companies supporting their employees volunteering and it was wonderful for us to have twenty-five professionals arrive on time, keep focused and on task and process enough items to allow us to help an additional 65 local children with warm winter clothes, books and toys.

It was inspiring and hopeful for us to know that there is a corporate culture invested in giving and service; and that a corporation that talks about community actually shows up and helps build community. We cannot thank them enough! When people talk to us about Corporate Philanthropy, we talk about a bright and shining light focused on a company called Ocean Spray. Photos from their time with us today and other days are here.



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