Listening to Five Year-old Elmire

Youth Philanthropy

giftstogive_january17-2015_Kelli-and-ElmireWe just met two remarkable women; Kelli, an ageless beauty and Elmire, a five year-old beauty, brainiac and philanthropist.

Elmire had a birthday party last week and in her own words, told us: ” I just turned 5. I had a birthday party and I asked all of my friends to bring something to donate to GiftsToGive instead of a gift for me. It made me feel good inside.”

How proud we are to know Elmire and how grateful we are to her the mother, Kelli, for walking the walk and raising such a “connected” child. It’s one thing to “talk” to our children about giving and service, it’s another to show a child where the path is and then walk with them.

Talk to us about enduring understanding and learning and we’ll talk to you about Elmire and Kelli.



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